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  • Writer's pictureHeidi Fawcett

My 3 Golden Rules for Successful Events

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

I formally began event planning in June of 2016. Since then I have planned closed to 200

events ranging in size and complexity. I quickly picked up a couple of handy tips, which turned into my 3 golden rules. I thought my opening blog was the perfect time to share them.

Anyone who is just starting to plan an event, whether it be a conference, corporate retreat, or even a bridal shower, here are three things you simply have to know!

1. Write it down.

I cannot stress this rule enough, when someone tells you something important, or even not-so-important, write it down. This rule breaks down into two parts.

The first time you will encounter this is in your planning stage, when someone tells you a detail they want included in their event, or you come up with a great idea for the event - always write it down. Weeks later when you are booking vendors you may remember there was a flower request - but what flower was it? Even if you have a good memory, chances are you won't remember it in the moment.

The second time you will encounter the write-it-down-rule is during the event. When you are rushing between vendors, attendees, and decor, by the time you have a minute to catch your breath, you will have already forgotten the new request. During the event, always carry a pen and paper, and write down any questions, requests, or new information as soon as you received it. Take it from me, between the stress and the adrenaline you will not remember it within minutes.

2. Trust your team.

I learned this rule very quickly, and it is extremely important when it comes to large scale events. No matter how well you have the event planned, you cannot and should not run it alone. Whether your team consists of coworkers, volunteers, or bridesmaids, everyone will have their role and it is important to trust that they can handle it. Of course you must be available to assist, but micromanaging is asking for burnout and an upset team.

The two Heidi's - The launch of an administrators educational gathering - November 2017

3. Over prepare, and then roll with it.

Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! Plan every element, think of every detail, factor in every possible set back, and then when the event arrives, roll with it. The day of the event, something will go wrong; a vendor won't show up, a rainstorm will come pouring down, or a keynote speaker won't arrive. Always remember, something will go wrong.

One of my most memorable over prepare, and then roll with it moments was a fundraising breakfast where the caterer had not brought waitstaff with them. Even though I had confirmed our needs with the caterer's sales rep (over prepare), there was a miscommunication that caused the removal of waitstaff from our contract. However, in that moment, it didn't matter the reason for the mixup, all that mattered was that the problem needed a solution. It was 6:45am in the morning, with doors opening at 7:00am, and no waitstaff were present or available. So, we go back to golden rule #2 - trust your team. Never have I seen a group of Administrators, Executive Directors, and volunteers assemble into a team of waitstaff so quickly, plating and serving meals like it was their second nature. At the end of the day, the event was a great success, fundraising goals were met, and definitely a memory for the books!

Whatever the issue is, you must be prepared to roll with it. Stop, evaluate the situation, come to a feasible solution, implement.

These are the 3 golden rules I take to every event. I hope you find them helpful when planning your next event! Do you have other rules or tips for event planning? Leave them in the comment section below! I would love to hear them!

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